Arfadia is a full service digital marketing agency in Jakarta, Indonesia, it is perfectly poised to deliver integrated services from its own resources. Its aim is to become the best digital marketing resource in the country and it has already reached there. It is in the best position to harness the opportunities provided by the revolution taking place in the digital space. Tessar Napitupulu founded Arfadia in 2008, bringing together pure-play digital experts to create digital change. It’s now 150-strong and one of the Indonesia’s most successful transformation agencies.
Arfadia has singlehandedly addressed the shortcomings in the digital space in the country and taken steps to correct the anomalies. It has the best trained staff to undertake digital marketing functions including gauging the effectiveness of the campaigns and measuring the ROI for the amount spent on digital marketing. The best digital expert’s experience in handling a variety of brands becomes useful when other clients get the benefit of that experience.
The firm has taken the right steps to modernize itself with cutting edge technology at its beck and call. The firm’s processes have earned certifications (one of the very few agencies in the country) such as
• Quality Management System, ISO 9001: 2008
• Environmental Management System, ISO 14001: 2004
• Management System Occupational Health and Safety, OHSAS 18001: 2007
Keeping in tune with its objective of having a pronounced presence in the digital industry comprising technology, education and training, software, hardware and web applications, Arfadia has developed various assets that help customer segments such as students, project management, health, sports and village governance. Arfadia is particularly active in social media projects.
What this means to the advertiser is that the advertiser would get a digital expert that has the competence in all aspects of digital marketing process. The company is a stickler for promptness delivering on promises in a timely manner. The biggest advantage with Arfadia is its delivery of results that match or exceed the amount spent.
Arfadia is truly the best digital agency in Indonesia.
Penyusun : Yuniawan Hidayat Endang Yuniastuti Narasumber : Ari Juliano Gema - Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Sabartua Tampubolon - Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Bambang Priwanto - Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Tessar Napitupulu - Arfadia Eddy Triharyanto - Universitas Sebelas Maret Susantiningrum - Universitas Sebelas Maret Tutik Susilowati - Universitas Sebelas Maret Brian Arfi Alfarizi - DheZign Akhyar Maulana - PT. Shoop Indonesia Saddam Hussain Achmed Abdul Rajief - Skyshi Kadek Yota Ernanda - Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Pater Jack Kambey - Komunitas PHP Indonesia Amridzal Jundi - Aksamedia Muhammad Junaedi - Onde Onde Studio ------------------ KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, sehingga penyusunan Buku Panduan Pendirian Usaha Bidang Ekonomi Kreatif dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Penyusunan Buku Panduan Pendirian 8 (delapan) Bidang Usaha Ekonomi Kreatif ini adalah kerjasama antara Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (BEKRAF) dan Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) dan merupakan lanjutan dari buku Panduan Pendirian 10 (sepuluh) Bidang Usaha Ekonomi Kreatif yang telah terbit pada 31 Juli 2017 lalu. Buku Panduan 8 (delapan) bidang usaha ekonomi kreatif, antara lain: 1) Panduan Pendirian Usaha Tenun Tradisional; 2) Panduan Pendirian Usaha Desain Kemasan; 3) Panduan Pendirian Usaha Desain dan Pengembang Laman; 4) Panduan Pendirian Usaha Desain Grafis/Desain Komunikasi Visual; 5) Panduan Pendirian Usaha Kerajinan Kayu Non Furniture; 6) Panduan Pendirian Usaha Kedai Kopi; 7) Panduan Pendirian Usaha Penerbitan Mandiri; 8) Panduan Pendirian Usaha Penerbitan Digital. Buku Panduan ini dipersiapkan dalam 2 (dua) versi yaitu versi cetak dan elektronik (e-book). Penyiapan e-book dimaksudkan untuk memudahkan pembaca mengakses buku panduan ini. Pada prinsipnya sasaran buku panduan ini adalah para calon atau pelaku usaha pemula yang tertarik untuk mendirikan dan mengembangkan usaha ekonomi kreatif. Oleh karena itu, penulisan buku dibuat sesederhana mungkin dengan harapan mudah dipahami dan diterapkan oleh para pembaca. Penulisan buku panduan ini belum bisa dikatakan sempurna apalagi referensi untuk pelaku usaha ekonomi kreatif yang sudah berkecimpung lama dibidangnya. Untuk itu, kepada masyarakat sangat diharapkan memberikan saran dan masukan guna penyempurnaan buku panduan ini di masa mendatang. Akhir kata atas nama Badan Ekonomi Kreatif, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan kontribusi dalam penyusunan buku panduan ini. Semoga upaya dan kerja keras yang dilakukan ini dapat mendorong pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di Indonesia. Jakarta, Februari 2018 Kepala Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Triawan Munaf (less)
The activities to disseminate information and dissemination of energy conservation include:
• Screening in Media Online in the Lightbox format for 6 months. Banner ads are made in the lightbox format, which is a banner in flash format that allows the audience to interact with the menus in it by swipe / pull / tap. The target for the lightbox format is 240,000 engagements.
• Display in Media Online with Mobile Engage format (swipe, pull, tap) for 6 months. Mobile engage ads are advertisements on mobile devices in flash format that allow the audience to interact in the banner. The target for the lightbox mobile engage format is 240,000 engagements.
• Penanyangan in Media Online with Banner format for 6 months. Banner ads are display advertisements posted on the website. The target for banner ads for 6 months is 157,895 clicks. Click performance is calculated when the user reaches the landing page of the banner that is installed.
• 30-second duration of Youtube video broadcast for 6 months. Ads in the form of videos that aired before other shows on YouTube. YouTube ads are skipable. Achievements are calculated based on view. The performance of 1 view is calculated when the audience sees the video at 30 seconds. The target view for youtube video is 1,085,093 views.
Job specifications as the following table:
No Volume Unit Job Description
1 Screening in Online media in the Lightbox format (6 Months) 240,000 Engagement
2 Imaging in Media Online with the format of Mobile Engage (swipe, pull, tab) (6 Months) 240,000 Engagement
3 Penanyangan in Online Media with the format Banner (6 Months) 157,895 Click
4 Youtube Video Views Duration 30 Seconds (skipable) (6 Months)
- 1 view achievement is calculated at 30 seconds to 1,085,093 View
5 Making 1 Ad Design Package• Design and PSA material refers to the material of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources at
• Included in the scope of work is the creation of advertising designs, advertising, capture of online user data, documentation and reporting.
• Service providers must be able to provide advertising design and attractive copywriting according to the theme or model that fits the current trend so that the message can reach the audience.
• Making media planning for ad serving on various website channels such as business & finance, entertainment, food & dining, lifestyle, news, real estate, social & community, sports & recreation, technology, woman, etc.
• This campaign is distributed on various website channels including business & finance, entertainment, food & dining, lifestyle, news, real estate, social & community, sports & recreation, technology, woman, etc. and youtube.
• Formulation of advertising design concepts / designs. The design concept is structured through intensive interaction between the Sub-directorate of Technical Guidance and Energy Conservation Cooperation of the Directorate of Energy Conservation of DJEBTKE with selected Goods / Services Providers so that the messages to be conveyed can be accommodated properly.
• Make a description of the flow and scenario for carrying out the work,
• Make the target audience / activity target
• Make a timeline / time for execution of work
• With the direction of the Technical Guidance Sub-Department and Collaboration on Equipment, Materials, Personnel and Facilitation from Energy Conservation PPK Directorate of Energy Conservation DJEBTKE, service providers determine themes, media planning, design and design banner ads in lightbox and Mobile Engage formats (swipe, pull, tap )
• Media Planning (Media Planning). Goods / Services Providers strategize and plan ad serving in online media online.
• Display banner ads on selected online media.
• Create target media lists on various website channels such as business & finance, entertainment, food & dining, lifestyle, news, real estate, social & community, sports & recreation, technology, woman, etc.
• Capture data on online users who interact with advertisements that are displayed (eg hours of interaction, location of interaction, age, gender, ip address, etc.)
• Preparation of Activity Reports.
If you are looking for the most professional, most prominent digital agency located in Indonesia, the answer is Arfadia. This company is so far the best one in Indonesia when it comes to digital marketing service. Besides of providing digital marketing campaign and multimedia services, this company has lots of professionals who can help you to perform branding, establish corporate identity, perform commercial photography and videography, and so on. With all the service, there is no wonder that this company is dubbed the best digital agency Indonesia.
Arfadia Digital Agency Jakarta
Sebuah perusahaan digital marketing bisa dikatakan sebagai best digital agency Indonesia tentu membutuhkan perjalanan yang tidak mudah. Ada berbagai syarat atau pertimbangan hingga perusahaan tersebut dikatakan sudah berhasil memiliki kredibilitas yang baik. Tidak hanya dari usia perusahaan, tetapi berorientasi pada kepuasan klien, kemampuan analisa, pemahaman konteks marketing hingga penerapan strategi menjadi beberapa syarat yang harus dipenuhi best digital agency Indonesia untuk bisa menjadi perusahaan profesional. Anda juga bisa menjadikan hal tersebut sebagai syarat untuk menemukan best digital agency Indonesia secara lebih mudah dan mengenali mana perusahaan yang profesional untuk dimanfaatkan jasanya dalam membantu Anda membuat sebuah pemasaran produk atau jasa.
Hal yang paling marak dibicarakan mengenai Industri jasa saat ini adalah Digital Agency. Apa sih Digital Agency ? Digital agency merupakan layanan yang menjembatani kegiatan kampanye digital dan konsultasi untuk hasil yang diharapkan oleh Perusahaan. Karena saat ini makin banyak perusahaan yang percaya bahwa peran digital agency begitu penting. Tak heran jika semakin banyak digital agency yang bermunculan di Indonesia. Nah, kami telah merangkum daftar digital agency terbaik di Indonesia yang tentu punya kualitas yang mumpuni!
If you’re looking to give your business a big push in terms of marketing, then hiring the services of best inbound marketing agencies will help. And if you want the best results to come your way, then you’ll never settle to do business with someone that is far away from the best! However, selecting the best marketing agencies for your business is a herculean task. Simply because there are lots of agencies plying their trade and not all of them will serve your purpose. Also, the term ‘best’ is subjective. The marketing services provided for one company may be good but may not be so good for the other and so on. For your business though, you need to select top inbound marketing agencies based on where your business standing is currently and your current traction. It is also important to find out what exactly you want from such agencies. Whilst there is no sure-shot formula in figuring out the best inbound marketing agency for your business, we have done our best in coming out with a list that we think will do wonders for your business endeavors. These agencies have a proven track record of delivering positive results to their clients.
What is Digital Agency ? This means agents who provide digital marketing services for companies that want to develop targeted targets in the online sphere. The goal is to increase sales or to strengthen brand identity. No wonder when more and more digital agencies are popping up in Indonesia. Find out what ever information technology innovation continues to be done shed his position as the Best Digital Agency Indonesia to this date! More and more companies are moving into the digital world and need Digital Agency Jakarta, Indonesia. One option worth trying is Arfadia that is oriented towards customer satisfaction. With the proliferation of Best Digital Agency in Jakarta, Indonesia, the company must be extra careful in choosing the right one. Arfadia is one of the right choice. With experience, solid team, creative innovation, Arfadia upholds its customers’ satisfaction as its ultimate goal.
Although it looks like the digital marketing agencies face bad situation in Indonesia, there are some of agencies that can service and even prove themselves to be able to face the condition and succeed. One of them is Arfadia. Arfadia is digital marketing agency from Jakarta. They provide full digital service for client from all over Indonesia and other countries. They can be considered to be experienced in this industry, because they have been around since 2008. More than that, they also have good team consist of expert and professional in digital advertising. Then, they also have successfully get certification, such as: - Quality Management System, ISO 9001: 2008 - Environmental Management System, ISO 14001: 2004 - Management System Occupational Health and Safety, OHSAS 18001: 2007 Actually, Arfadia is the proof that digital marketing agency can still run their business and success in Indonesia digital advertising market. So, others also can do the same. The thing that they need to do is conquering all the obstacles that mentioned above. digital marketing agency jakarta - Arfadia - digital marketing agency jakarta | digital agency jakarta. digital marketing agency di jakarta - digital marketing agency terbaik di jakarta. atau brand suatu perusahaan, diantaranya serupa berikut : Tata pertama dalam digital marketing agency Jakarta adalah strategi konten. media digital marketing indonesia social media digital marketing social media advertising services social media agency indonesia social media marketing jakarta social media strategy service social media network analysis social media campign ideas. : Arfadia hadir sebagai Perusahaan SEO Profesional yang siap membantu dalam memasarkan bisnis Anda saat ini. Melalui strategi SEO ini mampu menjangkau pelanggan baik secara lokal, nasional maupun internasional. Anda juga tidak perlu melakukan pemasaran secara berulang-ulang. Cukup optimasi secara terstruktur dengan mengambil paket SEO yang dimiliki oleh Arfadia sudah cukup untuk dijadikan strategi pemasaran online Anda. Arfadia adalah Top Perusahaan SEO yang sudah memiliki beberapa klien dari berbagai jenis lembaga dan organisasi yang meliputi Lembaga Negara, Organisasi Internasional, Perusahaan Swasta baik Nasional maupun Internasional. Metode yang digunakan dalam meraih peringkat di mesin pencari memang jauh berbeda dengan yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan Jasa SEO di Indonesia sekarang ini. Hal ini yang menjadikan Arfadia memiliki keunggulan tersendiri yang tidak ada pada Perusahaan Jasa SEO lainnya. Berbagai sertifikasi dan penghargaan telah berhasil dikantongi Arfadia. Berbagai macam cara, tools dan uji coba sudah dilakukan sebelum pada akhirnya membuka Jasa SEO untuk pelaku bisnis di era digital ini.
We chose the complete All In One SEO package from Arfadia. Before collaborating, our website did not appear even on the last page on Google. Currently 20 keywords that we are targeting are already on page 1 of Google. They also do optimization on our Youtube and Google Maps. The domain authority, domain rating and trust flow of our website have improved significantly. They filled our website with professional copywriting, hundreds of articles on our blog, and improved on-page SEO and hosting so that the results were almost perfect. Our organic visitors have increased dramatically, and boost with email marketing, social bookmarking and social signals that add to our visitors' channels. Thank you Arfadia.
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