By 10seos
February 19, 2018
It is often observed that search strategy in digital marketing lack one very essential element which is prioritization. Be it for individual client or an agency, prioritizing link building, generating fresh content and fixing any technical glitches in the website are highly essential for making maximum from your online venture.
This post is dedicated to highlight different ways by which opportunity from the keyword set can be identified and keyword metrics can be introduced to get better results.
Individual keywords opportunity- identified
SEO consultants from various marketing agencies suggests, that the keyword opportunity can be found easily by completing keyword research. This keyword research helps in identifying keywords highest search volume and then target those.
Clustering keywords
There are many keyword research tool available that can be used for grouping or clustering related keywords and then look for the cumulative volume of the set. After the volume of each set is identified, it is better to focus on category of keyword that attract most search volume.
Austin SEO company consultant suggest some easy ways for grouping keywords can be:
By word operators such as why, how,what, where
By topic such as refrigerator, microwaves, recipes etc
By understanding the intent of the keywords such looking to buy, intention to buy, navigation etc
By the length of the keyword such as head(one high volume keyword), body ( 2 or 3 medium to high volume keyword) or long tailed keywords
Analysing how commercial the keyword is. Cost per click data can help in analysing the commercial output of the keyword. A high CPC would mean more people are bidding on keywords. This mean that such keywords are more commercially successful and convert better.
Introduction of traffic estimation
A step further in keyword volume research is looking at the incremental traffic gained from each keyword. This traffic metrics can be identified upon current position, the number of time the keyword is searched in a given month, the CTR rate and the maximum traffic which can get from ranking.
These metrics helps in accessing the increasing traffic in relation to the clustered keywords which are implemented. They are also helpful in highlighting any gap by which additional traffic can be gained.
But a very prominent question that must be getting in your mind is,
Is it really highlighting the opportunity?
Well, experts believe that these methods of highlighting the opportunity are great way of finding better result than searching the keyword volume in complete isolation. An important point to remember at this juncture is, these methods does not highlight the difficulty metrics which will have to be faced to attain the traffic figure which you intend to achieve.
In order to highlight the opportunity level in a better way, keywords difficulty metrics can help in analysing opportunity and difficult associated with attaining the traffic figure.
This graph highlights the traffic and also shows the difficulty to attain the traffic, this makes it perfect to highlight the opportunity.
Keywords difficulty metrics
SEO consulting services highlight that keyword difficulty metrics encompass features :
It focuses on logarithmic scale
75% of the metrics is based on referring domain to the URL and the rest is based on domain level referring domain.
To begin with keyword difficulty metrics, one has to begin with some data collection of
Top 10 results for each keyword you have researched
The top 10 referring domain to each URL
To get the 10 result use any keyword ranking tool. Add URL of the top 10 results along with associated keywords in to the keyword difficulty tab.
The page will look more or less like this in any search tool. Once the information is on the screen, make sure to collect number of referring domain to both URL and the domain. You can easily use majestic and URL purifier to quickly pull data via API. copy the URL from the keyword sheet and paste in the URL profiler and click on run profiler.
Once you get the export, copy and paste the URL. The keyword difficulty sheet will create the difficulty metrics for each URL ranking position 1-10.
More about metrics
Several studies prove that links are the most influential factor when it comes to ranking a page. It always make a sense to emphasize on referring domain in URL rather than the number of referring domain to each domain on search result.
Calculating by keyword difficulty will help in increasing the quality of opportunity which will be able to highlight whether or not a targeting traffic is viable for your business or not.
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