January 23, 2018
Every hotel provides a unique experience and has different classes and different conditions. Few hotels allow pets but few do not. Few have poolside rooms and few do not. The list would go no. Amid all the things the most important thing for hotels is to attract guests.
It is apparent that having a website is one of the most important things for marketing and for reaching the people. And having a website is not the end of all things. Okay, take this. If you have created a TV ad starring Brad Pitt you would not want it to be seen just once, twice, or thrice in a day. You would want it to be shown after every 10 minutes or 20 minutes. And this again is not the end again. You did not create your ad to watch it on the TV, you created it to get your sales driven and if that thing is not happening then that ad did not materialize and final verdict on it would be a wastage of money!
The same happens with the website. You got it created and designed from the top designer and creator but it was neither in the top results and nor it drove the sales! Albeit everything can be done if things are followed properly and your website would comprehend well with SEO!
Let’s see what SEO is
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be referred to the sets of a process that helps in improvement of the ranking on the search engine and maintenance of the ranking on it. SEO would make your website more likely to show up when people would search for the keywords which are related to your website. There are many things which are done under SEO. Keywords selection, content publishing and creation, user experience and site organisation and many more.
Why your hotel needs SEO?
This is the real aim of this post, understanding SEO and how it could help you in your goal of attracting more guests.
It is clear that whatsoever people are purchasing and selling is happening through the internet one way or the other. And almost all of these things are decided in the split seconds of the search result which is posted by the search engine. And that result depends on various factors.
It has been seen that almost 34% of the users are clicking on the first result, 18% are opening the link which is on second position. You can conclude yourself how much it matters to be on the top position.
When people search for hotels they do not go in specifications mostly. They just search for the hotels and they go on as the results are shown and that is where SEO is crucial for your hotel. And SEO is also way cheaper than other marketing tools. It can be observed that conventional market is now on the back foot and being on the front foot you would have to take a leap on the world of web, in digital marketing and with improving the rankings of the website on the search engines.
SEO improves all the things which are related to the website and which is directly related to the ways search engines results for the keywords which are entered by the users. SEO has become a necessity and without it your hotel’s website would be lost in oblivion and you would be losing the number of the guests.
Being on internet is not the last thing that is to do, it is about improving your ranking and materializing the moves that you have visioned in your head when you made the website and those moves can only be materialized if your presence on the internet is imperious and that is only possible with the SEO.
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