July 12, 2016
You gave your best to complete a project. Your employer is happy to get the excellent work. It is time for the payment and…
There are no payments.
The freelancers often face such situations when they are not paid for the work that they do. Some agencies also do not get the payments from the client or they receive the payments months after the job is completed. This late payment by the clients often creates a disbalance in the financial planning of the small firms or the startups. You have to optimize your screening process to get the right clients. Some clients are clientzillas who are not good for your business. They ruin everything that you believe in and trust on. You also need to ease your payment methods to help them pay soon without any difficulties.
Here are the methods that you have to follow to get paid at the correct time.
The right business strategy is not getting more clients, it is getting the right clients. While a person is approaching to hire you, you should evaluate whether or not he values the job. If he is serious about the job and he respects the services that you are providing, he would never delay in making the payments. A client who is concerned about the money, and he is ready to compromise a little for that is the one who generally makes a late payment. Such clients value the services less and hence, they are difficult to deal with.
Do not work for such clients to avoid the late payments. There is always a risk involved in such cases and your instincts are your only help. SEO Phoenix avoids these red flag clients by setting up a personal meeting and observing their behavior one-to-one.
In the work contract, do not forget to include every term about the payments. You should mention clearly what will be the dates to make a payment. To avoid the surprises, bind every condition by the law.
In the contract and in every invoice, you should clearly mention the last date of the payments and the late payment charge that you are going to impose on them. It would be a reminder for the clients that they will not walk free and face the consequences if they are paying late.
Some clients pay late because they want to while some pay late because your payment methods are complicated and their preferred option is not there. To get the on-time payments, you should offer many payment options to provide the flexibility. Do not tell your clients that you do not accept some payment mode, as far as the money is coming, allow them to use their choice of payment.
To remove the technical difficulties and to avoid the clients say that they didn’t receive the invoice, you should create an account on the payments platform or at your website, so that they can go and check their invoice on their own. You can upload the invoice and inform the client. Since it would be a sure way that clients get the receipt, you will not face any ‘technical difficulties’ in getting the payment on time. Send regular invoices to the clients as often as you can. State the payment dates, late penalties and all of your payment related conditions without any disambiguation.
One more way to make sure that clients pay is to charge them an advance payment of the project. If the clients are prompt in doing that, that means they value the work they are getting from you and they will make the rest of the payments too. If they doubt you or they are not convinced to do that, stay away from them.
These are some common way to accelerate the payments for your work. Salt Lake City SEO Companies also like to place a retainer contract in place to maintain a good relationship with the clients without ruining the business profits.
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