Artificial Intelligence is changing the business of SEO faster than you can imagine


Artificial Intelligence is changing the business of SEO faster than you can imagine

By now, we all were very well aware of Google’s RankBrain, the latest artificial intelligence machine learning algorithm which is one of the greatest from Mountain View Calif. Many of us might not recognize, nevertheless, SEO industry is changing tremendously because of it. 

Whenever we hear the word Artificial Intelligence, we usually imagine a robot that work as effectively as human, could do all the work, and beat us at chess. Well, Artificial Intelligence is impacting over digital marketing as well. And very soon we will be completely depending upon Artificial Intelligence to help us understand that information and convert it into quality information to enhance SEO better than a human can do. 

In this article, we’ll go through some examples that how old SEO rules are no longer applied. And how can you stay ahead of the curve to become remain successful for SEO campaign for your business.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

There are basically three different categories of Artificial Intelligence (AI):

  1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): This is as similar as artificial intelligence doing thing for one specific task. For example beating the world championship in chess.

  2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):  This is considered when artificial intelligence can do all the things. For example if an AI is performing as like human, we believe it as AGI.

  3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI): When AI can do all the things and is at much higher level for all things. For example it can do beyond what human can do.

When we talk about Google machine learning algorithm or Google’s RankBrain, we are generally talking about Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI). Some of the ANI program include Spam filters in email, most attractive feature of Amazon that tell us “recommended products”, Google Translate and Google’s RankBrain.

Within ANI, there are several other approaches. Data scientists are trying hard to achieve perfect AI which can be grouped into five groups:

  • Symbolists

  • Connectionists

  • Evolutionaries

  • Bayesians

  • Analyzers

Google’s RankBrain is in the campsite of the Connectionists. Connectionists consider that all our understanding is programmed in the connections among neurons in our brain. And RankBrain’s particular tactic is what specialists in the field call as “deep learning.”

Connectionists state this strategy is able to learn anything from raw data, and consequently is also capable of eventually automating all knowledge discoveries. 

So when we speak about RankBrain, we now can say to people it is composed of one specific technique on ANI. Now that we have that out of the way, how is it changing the business of SEO?

The exponential growth of technology

Here is how technological growth looks like, when you glance back at history:

But, in actuality, you can’t see what the future is. Therefore here is how it really feels when you are standing there:

What this chart represents is that when human being tries to forecast the future, they always undervalue. This is because they are looking at left side of the graph, instead of the right side.

Nevertheless, the truth is, human growth takes place at a quicker and quicker rate as time flies.  More sophisticated societies have the capability to develop at a quicker rate than less sophisticated societies. Of course, the similar can be applied to artificial intelligence and the development rate we are considering now with advanced technology.

Today’s weakening analysis is seriously blemished

This is the major current misleading notion of our industry. There have been lots of prognosticators every time Google’s rankings move in a big way. The usual analysis consists of read thoroughly through months of ranking data leading up to the event, then considering how the rankings moved across all websites of various types.

With today’s approach to weakening analysis, these data scientists point to a particular type of website that has been affected either positively or negatively and conclude with high belief that Google’s latest algorithmic shift was credited to a particular type of algorithm that these websites shared.

Nonetheless, that is not how Google works any longer. Google’s RankBrain, a machine learning approach, works in a different way. Since there are a lot of core algorithms that exist within Google. It is RankBrain’s work to discover what combination of these core algorithms is best useful to each type of search results. 

Stay niche to avoid misclassification

What Google also comprehend is that they could instruct their new deep learning system, RankBrain, what “high-quality” sites look like, and what “bad” sites seem like. Parallel to how they load algorithms in a different way for every search result, they also understand that every vertical had dissimilar examples of “high-quality and “bad” sites. This is certainly because unlike verticals have unusual CRMs, dissimilar templates and several other structures of data on the whole.

When RankBrain works, it is effectively learning what the right “settings” are for every environment. As you might have presumed by now, these settings are entirely reliant on the vertical on which it is working.

Before grouping collectively sites into a “high-quality” and “bad” bucket, RankBrain must initially decide what each site’s categorization is.

How to categories sites naturally have many wide categories of information. In these cases, the deep learning process breaks down. Machine learning process has an automatic way of classifying every site before attempting to evaluate it to other sites. 

The future of SEO and artificial intelligence

As we can see that the Law of Accelerating Returns, RankBrain and other types of artificial intelligence will at some point exceed the human brain. And at this point, no one knows where this expertise will direct us.

Few things are sure, although:

  • Every competitive keyword environment will require to be inspect on its own;

  • Many sites will require to stay forte to evade misclassification; and

  • Every site must imitate the structure and composition of their top sites.

Things are a bit harder. The field of SEO will persist to become tremendously technical. Analytics and big data are the order of the day, and any SEO that isn’t recognizable with these advancements has a lot of catching up to do. 

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